Lucy Gentry - Madison High School Class of 2022

I wouldn’t want my first senior of 2022 to be anyone but my sweet cousin Lucy! She was in town visiting from Idaho and we squeezed her into my one available evening and I am so glad we did!

When Lucy was a little girl, they lived near our grandparents & we were able to see them often, then they moved to Rexburg, Idaho & have been there ever since. While that is pretty far from us now, I went to college in Rexburg at the same school that her dad, my uncle Mike works at, Brigham Young University Idaho. During my 2.5 years there, I ate nearly every Sunday dinner with them & got to be pretty close with the whole family. In the nearly 5 years it’s been since I lived there, I haven’t gotten to see them much. So it was so great to see the young woman that Lucy has become as I took her senior photos.

We started her session in some sand dunes outside of Pasco, Washington. before moving to Chamna Natural Preserve, & then downtown Kennewick. Lucy had brought a beautiful dress that she seen on an actress & searched for until she found it. And I can see why! It was stunning & she felt so confident in it. We talked about how wearing beautiful dresses that you feel amazing in should become more common. There’s nothing like the look on a senior’s face when they feel absolutely beautiful & confident in themselves. So camera trick or editing hack can replicate that.

I also love that she chose a formal look and also a casual look. It adds so much variety & personality to a session. We had fun chasing the sun & squeezing all the photos in that we possibly could.

I love this girl so much and it has been so fun watching her grow up. Good luck with your senior year Lucy!